Pay Invoice

We are your trusted Greater Toronto Area window and eaves cleaning specialists — And We’re Ready To Go To Work For You

Pay Invoice

Sunnyside Invoice Payment Options

By Post

Mail Cheque or Money Order to:
2300 Yonge Street #567
Toronto, ON
M4P 3C8

Online Banking

Mail Cheque or Money Order to:
On your financial institution web site you can transfer funds to us via Interac Email Money Transfer. Follow the easy instructions to initially sign up, it only takes a few minutes. Enter as your payment recipient.
Security Question: (your surname as written on invoice, or your full company name as written on invoice)
Answer: (Sunnyside)
Message: (invoice number)
*If you have any questions please call our office.
*Please note we are registered for “Auto Deposit” so you may not be prompted to provide the above security question and answer.

If you would like to speak with a professional Toronto window cleaning company about your service request, call Sunnyside Window & Eaves Cleaning Ltd. at 416-480-9675  or complete our Contact Us Form.